Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Vocabulary (2) Meanings

Rowdies: People who break the rules but aren't really bad.
Resurrected: Brought back to a new life.
Pledge: Like a promise but stronger.
Brazier: An iron thing where you can roast marshmallows and hotdogs.
Spontaneous: Acting without thinking or planning.
Discreetly: Almost a secret, without attention.
Martyred: Someone who dies because he/she believes strongly.
Preposterous: Totally out of what is expected.
Scouring: Doing something correctly, looking strongly.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Pretty good work here on what you have, Elise. If you had numbered them, you would have seen your list is only 9. You forgot one. See if you can number them, then include the missing word.