Monday, October 26, 2009


By: Elise Bunag

On a normal afternoon my family and I were in the mall walking around just looking through the windows and seeing if we liked anything. We looked through the whole mall, did some shopping and walked out of stores mostly empty handed. We ate, and after looked some more.
We looked through the 1st and 2nd floor and didn’t find much there. My sister, mom and I absolutely loved shopping but just couldn’t find lots of things. We walked around, my mom and dad bought my sister and me some toys and we shopped for clothes and everything we needed. We couldn’t find much that got us interested, eager to buy. We decided to go up to the 3rd floor. We were planning on going up and checking the whole floor for the things we needed. We headed toward the elevator.
My sister and mom were already inside urging my dad and me to get in so we can go up to the 3rd floor. I was just walking in an OK pace but maybe we were just too excited to see what we found there. I was walking in the elevator with my dad behind me and suddenly the elevator started CLOSING. I was panicked so I turned sideways, you know so I could make it out easier. But the elevator was faster. It closed on me and I was half-half. Half way in the elevator and half way out. I was standing there with the elevator attached to my back and front because of its recent attack of closing on me. My head was sticking out so I could see my dad and half of my body too. If half of my body was facing my dad it meant half of my body was in the elevator with my mom pushing the buttons frantically. I was there trying my best to keep it cool and not to freak out in front of everybody. The elevator was squeezing me like I was going to be it’s messed up, squished up dinner. All of a sudden I felt my body relax. THE ELEVATOR OPENED! It was a miracle! I quickly ran inside to the back of the elevator. I sighed and turned around. I waited for the elevator to open to the 3rd floor with my heart pounding heavily and my brain locking in what happened, never forgetting the day the elevator almost squished me.

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