Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Journal Entry 2/2/10

Hey heyyy! :)

Subjects for the day: P.E., baking cookies and if I run out really quickly out of the blue thoughts.

Today P.E. was fun but tiring (as ALWAYSSS). Anyway there isn't a whole paragraph about P.E. this time so yippee for othersss. :P

On sunday I baked cookies. The first batch were sooooooooo YUMMYYYY!!! Although the second batch weren't that great. You see the first batch were soft and moist, but the second batch was so HARD. So I decided that soft batch wins. In short 10 minute baked cookies are better than 12 minute baked. :P

Out of the blue THOUGHTS. :):
Well now it's out of the blue thoughts time. I just wanna clarify that this time I won't be as random. That's why I call it out of the blue THOUGHTS with a capital THOUGHTS. :D

1. I only have ummm around 5 minutes of thoughts to write.
2. Today in math/science class we were having lots of trouble reading our teachers cursive (cause she's gone and we have a sub so the sub put what she wrote on paper up on the projector and it was really hard to read. I guess she rushed it.)
3. All I hear now is fingers tapping on keyboards and kids talking loudly outside.
4. I guess the other class was sent early which always happens.
5. Unless it's just 8th graders.
6. I don't know why I put those things that are the same subject in different numbers.
7. About 2 more minutes of thoughts.
8. Our English sub is just staring at the clock waiting until it is exactly 1:55
9. I'm thinking of publishing now
10. Never mind. I'll publish when I must.
11. The clock keeps going tick tock tick tock.
12. In science class we're gonna have to copy more.
13. I know you think what? you had science. WRONG. Split block. so technically rightish.
14. I have to go!


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